Combating Cracked and Dry Skin

Cracked and dry skin can be exceptionally painful and uncomfortable, especially if you don’t use organic skin care products to help or prevent it from occurring in the first place. Cracked and dry skin can happen for a number of reasons, but it’s how you treat it that can make all the difference to your prognosis. Take care of it sooner rather than later by following these tips.

Be Choosy with Products

You may think you’re doing your skin a favour by lathering it in that scented cream you store in the bathroom cupboard. However, how do you know it’s suitable for that application? Not every lotion or cream is ideal for soothing and rehydrating your cracked or dry skin. What’s more, synthetic moisturizers can often have harmful ingredients that irritate your skin as opposed to healing it.

One of the best ways to take care of cracked or dry skin is by opting for organic skin care products or even beauty products. Don’t take any chances when it comes to your skin. Soothe the pain and discomfort while benefiting from the knowledge that all ingredients are safe for your skin to absorb.

Soaking the Right Way

If you have cracked heels, you often think the best way to heal them is by soaking and softening them in the bath. This is the right and wrong method at the same time. While it’s true that water can soften and soothe your skin, it can also dry it out even more. Therefore, you have to be careful with how and for how long you soak in a tub.

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Why You Should Be Happy for Modern Dentistry

While sitting in a dentist chair may be the last thing you feel like doing, it’s worth mentioning that it could be a whole lot worse. Your minor discomfort with root canals, fillings, and other procedures, is a mere pinprick to what dental care used to be like. We’ve included a few examples below.


In Tuscany, a pair of 13,000-year-old incisors were found which showed signs of dental work. Each tooth had a hole in the centre which meant a type of filling had featured within it. While nowadays you would receive an anesthetic to remove damaged or infected teeth pulp, the owner of those two teeth would have had the pulp scraped out with a sharpened rock or similar utensil and no pain relief.

But the process itself is not the most concerning part, but the filling materials itself. Found in the holes of the tooth were vegetable fibres, hair, and bitumen – used to resurface roads. It’s clear to see dentists have come a long way in their approach to fillings.

No Anesthetic

During the most straightforward procedures like fillings, dentists offer anesthetics to make sure the patient is as comfortable as possible. After all, we strive for a pain-free experience. However, it wasn’t always like this. If you were to get a filling or your tooth extracted, you would have to grin and bear it. As a result, many people waited for their teeth fall out opposed to going through that pain.

However, during the 19th century, and even the middle ages, it was known that tooth extraction could alleviate pain and discomfort someone was experiencing. But, there was no dentist profession, so no dentists. If you wanted your teeth to be extracted, you would go and see your barber or in some cases, your doctor.

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A Sweat-Free Approach to Makeup Application

During summer months, the temperatures are known to skyrocket. While hot weather is perfect for getting that long-awaited tan, you are sure to be looking for beauty tips to avoid sweating out your makeup. It’s a common problem, and you’re not alone if you’re fighting that very battle. Here are a few beauty tips for applying makeup that the sun is intent on removing.

Use Primer

When you apply makeup on a hot day, your worst fear is often heading out into the summer heat, only for all your hard work to be undone. If you use primer, you can reduce the risk of your face looking sweaty and shiny – even after you’ve applied ample foundation. Select a primer designed to reduce oil while providing SPF protection, and head outside with the peace of mind that your face will be shine-free and protected.

Get Set

You may spend a long time preparing your makeup for the perfect look, but if you forget to set it in place, it can often be all for nothing. The heat in the sun is enough to get the sweat flowing, ruining that perfect look. However, if you use a hydration spray which balances your skin’s oils, you’re able to benefit from all those makeup minerals staying put. What’s more, there are several different hydration sprays for sale with antioxidants to protect your skin from the harsh elements.

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Everything You Need to Know About Group Fitness Sessions

Whether you’re already a part of a group fitness class, or you’re toying with the idea of joining one, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. After all, it can be an entirely new setting for some people – – particularly those who have been “lone soldiers,” exercising on their own. Before you get involved in a fitness class, there are a few things you need to know.

There are Plenty of Options

When it comes to setting your exercise regime, you will be blown away by the options available. For mind, body, and soul, you can look at things like yoga or BODYBALANCE, and if you’re looking for intense cardio, BODYCOMBAT, HIIT classes, and spin sessions may be more to your taste. The truth is, it doesn’t matter what your aim is – strength, fitness, weight loss, or social, there is something to suit everyone’s requirements, including their budget.

They Cater to All Fitness and Health Levels

Group fitness sessions are about catering to every member of the group. From the more advanced to the beginner, you can rest assured there is going to be a type of group fitness class to suit your needs. Then, as you grow, you will notice the classes grow with you. Don’t be afraid to start on the bottom rung of the ladder, because as long as you’re involved in group fitness, you won’t be on it alone. Read More

How to Maintain Curly Hair

Those who have curly hair either see it as a blessing or a curse. If you need some beauty tips to help tame those curly locks inbetween your trips to the day spa, we’ve got some helpful advice below. The more time you spend maintaining your hair, the more manageable it can become as the weeks go by.

Be Careful with Shampoo and Conditioner Selection

Rather than opt for the most affordable shampoo and conditioner options, do your hair a favour and purchase something that will benefit it. Shampoo and conditioner from a salon that caters to curly hair are going to be far more beneficial than regular products.

However, one of the most common beauty tips you will come across is that shampoo designed for damaged hair is equally as beneficial. It features mild ingredients, is often diluted, and is less damaging to curly hair that’s already a little dry.

Don’t Shampoo Often

If you have curly hair, you will be familiar with the beauty tips of not shampooing your hair too often. In fact, you should only be shampooing it a maximum of twice per week. Washing your hair too frequently can dry it out, cause it to become frizzy, and harder to tame. When you do have to wash it, be gentle with how you brush it to avoid damaging it any further.

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Jewellery Gift Ideas for Her

If you’ve been seeing many jewellers brochures left around the house where you can see them, then you are best to take that as a hint. It’s clear to see that your girlfriend or wife wants jewellery as a gift for an upcoming special occasion.

When it comes to gift-giving for women, it’s certainly not as challenging as it is for men. In fact, you can’t go wrong with some of these options below.


Whether it’s bridesmaid gift or girlfriend’s birthday, your anniversary, your wife or Valentine’s Day, a necklace makes the perfect gift for the occasion. The best part about giving a necklace as a gift is that it’s something you can do year after year. The variety available from many jewellers changes all the time, meaning what you purchased for her last year can be dramatically different from what you give her this year. If you’re stuck for ideas, talk to the store assistants. They will be able to help select a necklace that your significant other will adore.


Earrings make a fabulous gift for Valentine’s Day, birthday, Christmas gifts, and other special occasions for many reasons. Firstly, around 80 percent of women have their ears pierced. As a result, there’s a high chance the special lady in your life does as well. Secondly, to ensure they remain pierced, she needs to wear earrings. Let them be the ones you pick out. However, before you go ahead and visit the jewellers in town, look at her current earring collection. Find out what she likes and whether any of them are hypoallergenic. Read More

Benefits of Fitness Trackers

Traditionally, people would track their exercise by how loose their pants were and how fit and healthy they felt. Now, however, the technology is available to find out in real time how you’re faring on so many levels. You can know at any given moment what your heart rate is, how far you’ve run, how many calories you’ve burnt, and even how much of a decent sleep you’ve had.

There are many different fitness trackers on the market as well, some that enable you to export your data to the computer for further inspection. There are a variety of benefits on offer when you exercise while wearing a fitness tracker. Here are a few of those mentioned below.


If you attend a fitness class, boot camp, or take part in sessions with a personal trainer, there is a significant amount of responsibility. If you aren’t losing weight, feeling fitter, or healthier, then you aren’t including enough exercise in your day. However, if you work out alone, traditionally there wasn’t a lot of accountability. No one was there to tell you that you weren’t doing enough.

A fitness tracker provides a certain amount of accountability if you choose to go the solo route to exercise. It lets you know whether you haven’t taken enough steps to meet your goal, or whether, at the end of the week, you’ve been a little slack. Rather than relying on someone else to tell you this, a small piece of technology can do it instead.

Financial Motivation

There’s no denying that fitness trackers can cost a significant amount of money. If you want one that is packed full of features, you need to be willing to lay down a bit of cash, if you need help with managing money, try seeing a financial planner. Therefore, you are now financially invested in making it work for you. Financial motivation can often be enough to make you push that little bit harder, especially when you’re paying upwards of $100, if not more.

You will be more inclined to wear it and use it rather than let your investment go to waste.

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Retirement Tourism on the Rise as Seniors Head to Bali

According to a recent report Bali has become a ‘hot spot’ for seniors. This really shouldn’t come as a surprise since Bali has a great deal to offer those who want to experience a vacation that doesn’t fit the criteria of a just any ordinary vacation.

Bali tourism has been grown by leaps and bounds for all age groups, but recently it seems that the retirement population has found something they really like when it comes to vacations. The United Nations World Travel Organization (UWTO) projects that by 2025 one-third of the tourism market will be made up of seniors, often referred to as the ‘gray market.’ Bali Tourism is taking steps to encourage and grow this market segment, and take advantage of this opportunity.

One of the reasons that Bali is already benefiting from the ‘gray market’ is because companies have already begun to develop packages that focus on the retirement market. Seniors tend to take longer vacations and spend more money than the average tourist, because they have more disposable income, due to retirement planning, and more free time.

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How to Choose the Right Bronzer for You

The reason there are so many beauty tips online is that applying makeup can be a tricky process that requires tutorials, online advice, and trial and error before you get it right. One wrong move can create a disaster look that has you stand out from the crowd for all the wrong reasons. If you’re trying to find out how best to approach the use of bronzer, we’ve covered all bases below. You may find this advice is all you require for that killer look.

Why Shade Matters

Bronzer isn’t like earrings or jewellery in the respect that you have to be careful with the colouring. Of course, you choose accessories based on your clothing, but when it comes to bronzer, you have to put more thought into your natural skin tone. Without knowing your skin tone, or being aware of what works with it, you may struggle to find a bronzer that blends in seamlessly for a stunning look, rather than standing out for all the wrong reasons.

How Do You Choose the Right Shade of Bronzer?

As a rule of thumb, the way in which to select the right shade of bronzer is to firstly, be aware of your skin tone and secondly, choose one that’s one or two shades deeper than it. If you picked the same colour as your skin, you wouldn’t notice it. Whereas if you chose something that’s far darker than your skin, you run the risk of it looking fake and standing out a little too much.

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5 Popular Bridesmaid Gift Ideas

Given the amount of time, love, and dedication your bridesmaids put into your wedding preparations, it seems only fitting to repay them with bridesmaids gifts they can love forever. And, because the average “acceptable” amount of money to spend on bridesmaids gifts is AUD$100-200, these five options below are well worth your consideration.

Custom Tote Bags

While it might not seem like a custom tote bag is the most exciting gift you can give, it’s often only the beginning. If you make a small investment into a custom, named tote bag for each of your bridesmaids, you can then fill it with goodies they will appreciate. The best part is, custom tote bags are very affordable, and you can add both their name and the date of your wedding, so it’s etched in their memories forever.


Jewellery has to be one of the most popular bridesmaids gifts, and it’s easy to see why. Not only can your bridesmaids wear the jewellery for your wedding, but it’s a token they are bound to keep for life. What’s more, there are options aplenty. You can treat them to charm bracelets with a single charm representing your wedding or go for something more exciting such as a necklace with a pendant. You can then gift it to your bridesmaids in a custom jewellery bag with their name on it.

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