What Happens During Cataract Eye Surgery?

Not being able to see is one of the most terrifying health problems anyone can face. Though, sometimes, even more terrifying is the thought that you may not understand what the surgery to correct the problem entails. Some people feel that way when it comes to cataract eye surgery. 

They may know it’s necessary to restore their vision, but fear of the unknown can put them off taking that next step. If you are unsure what’s involved in the average cataract surgery from Insight Laser Surgery, then read on. The following information can make sure you’re well informed before the big day. 

The First Stage

The first stage of the outpatient procedure, which typically takes less than an hour, involves your doctor placing eye drops in your eyes. These dilate your pupils. You’ll then receive a local anesthetic to numb the area. 

Some doctors may offer a sedative to help you relax. You’ll stay awake for the procedure but will be groggy and sleepy.

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How Eating Well Can Reduce Stress

When you’re feeling stressed, it can be hard to break out of the frame of mind. Sometimes, you can go for a run and experience momentary happiness and stress relief. Other times, that sense of calm and peace is a little harder to come by. Did you know that eating well can impact your mood, emotions, and motivation?

What you eat can determine whether your stress levels are low or high and whether you need more or less of different nutrients. For example, those who are experiencing increased levels of stress may need more magnesium, vitamin C and B, and selenium, than someone who is not at all stressed. Essentially, you can fight stress with food, and here’s how.

Herbal Tea

There’s a reason people offer distressed friends and family a hot drink. It can promote a sense of calm, decrease stress, and provide warmth. While many warm drinks can offer these feelings, herbal tea can do it that little bit better.

In times of stress, sit down with a cup of chamomile or lavender tea. These two herbal varieties promote a soothing effect far better than other types. You can then be in a better frame of mind to tackle your problems head-on.


Who would have thought that eating well to reduce stress meant you get to have chocolate? While you shouldn’t go overboard, the antioxidants in dark chocolate can be quite beneficial.

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How to Combat Sensitive Teeth

Around 45 percent of Australian households have at least one member with sensitive teeth. According to many dentists, having sensitive teeth means that whenever you expose them to cold or hot drinks, cold air, or even during some dental procedures, you experience a sharp and short pain.

The most common cause of sensitive teeth is gum recession. If you brush your teeth too hard or are in the running for periodontal disease, gums recede, and small openings in your tooth’s root may become exposed and opened further by food and beverages. The open holes then expose your nerves which can cause discomfort.

However, there can be several other reasons for sensitive teeth, which means the best way to combat it is to take a trip to the dentist and find out if you have any other underlying problems. Depending on the results of your check-up, the following desensitising methods could help.

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5 Common Causes of Alcoholism

Some people struggle to come to terms with having an alcohol addiction, even if it has gotten to the point of them needing to go into a drug rehab facility. There is often a fine line between having a refreshing beverage and having it turn into something they can’t live without.

If alcoholism has a loved one firmly in its grips and you can’t seem to understand how it comes about, then any of these five reasons below could be the answer.

A Stressor

Stress can wreak havoc in life. Sometimes it involves your home life or family, while other times it can relate to your work or a financial situation too. When you are stressed, you look for something to de-stress you. Often, that can be alcohol.

The problem is, stress can take a long time to disappear, which means there are several opportune moments to reach for a bottle. Instead of using alcohol to de-stress you, try other methods such as meditation, reading a book, drinking herbal tea, or even taking a nap.

Starting Young

Studies show that if you start drinking from a young age, you are more likely to have a physical dependence or alcohol addiction. The more you drink, the more tolerant you are to alcohol, meaning you have to consume more to get “happy” or drunk. A drug rehab facility may be worth considering if you or your loved one’s alcohol problem has gotten to this point.

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Why You Should Be Happy for Modern Dentistry

While sitting in a dentist chair may be the last thing you feel like doing, it’s worth mentioning that it could be a whole lot worse. Your minor discomfort with root canals, fillings, and other procedures, is a mere pinprick to what dental care used to be like. We’ve included a few examples below.


In Tuscany, a pair of 13,000-year-old incisors were found which showed signs of dental work. Each tooth had a hole in the centre which meant a type of filling had featured within it. While nowadays you would receive an anesthetic to remove damaged or infected teeth pulp, the owner of those two teeth would have had the pulp scraped out with a sharpened rock or similar utensil and no pain relief.

But the process itself is not the most concerning part, but the filling materials itself. Found in the holes of the tooth were vegetable fibres, hair, and bitumen – used to resurface roads. It’s clear to see dentists have come a long way in their approach to fillings.

No Anesthetic

During the most straightforward procedures like fillings, dentists offer anesthetics to make sure the patient is as comfortable as possible. After all, we strive for a pain-free experience. However, it wasn’t always like this. If you were to get a filling or your tooth extracted, you would have to grin and bear it. As a result, many people waited for their teeth fall out opposed to going through that pain.

However, during the 19th century, and even the middle ages, it was known that tooth extraction could alleviate pain and discomfort someone was experiencing. But, there was no dentist profession, so no dentists. If you wanted your teeth to be extracted, you would go and see your barber or in some cases, your doctor.

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Food That Is Actually Good for Your Teeth

From a young age, the dentist has always told us what kind of food is bad for our teeth. We shouldn’t drink sugary drinks, eat too many sweet foods, and stay away from coffee as well. However, for all the food and beverages we shouldn’t consume, what’s actually beneficial for our teeth?

Here are just a few of the many items you might like to add to your grocery list for the benefit of your bite.


It’s always been said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but could it also keep the dentist away as well? Apples, while sweet and therefore traditionally not healthy for your teeth, are also full of water and fibre. While you’re eating an apple, your saliva goes into overdrive, washing away bacteria while stimulating your gums at the same time. If you like to keep a fresh mouth during the day, remember to pack an apple into your lunch box or handbag as you head to work.


In the same way that apples promote saliva production, so too do raw carrots. Carrots also help to reduce your risk of cavities while being high in fibre and vitamin A. Therefore, there’s every reason to add a whole carrot, baby carrots, or carrot sticks to your lunch or evening meal.


While cheese can be considered fattening, when it comes to your teeth it’s rather good for them. In 2013 studies published in the Journal of General Dentistry, it was discovered that by eating cheese, you were able to raise the pH levels in your mouth – thus lowering the risk of tooth decay. Aside from this reduced risk of decay, cheese also strengthens tooth enamel while providing your body with much-needed protein and calcium.

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5 Signs You Need to Book into Drug Rehab

What might have started off as taking pain medication for an injury, or a “once off” at a party, can quickly become an addiction for which drug rehab is necessary. However, denial is a prevalent part of drug addiction, with people not willing to admit they have a problem. If you’re beginning to realise you may have a problem, but you’re not yet convinced, find out if you fit any of these five criteria below. Drug rehab might be more beneficial for your situation than you think.

Withdrawing from Social Situations

If the thought of heading into a social situation where you can’t access your drug of choice has you nervous, then it’s time to admit you have a problem. The inability to keep your thoughts from straying from drug use is an alarm bell you can’t ignore.

Think back to before you began taking drugs. Were you quite happy to attend social barbecues, go to a movie with friends, or even visit your friends and family? If you can’t do this now without thinking about how you’ll make it through, then it’s time to consider drug rehab.

You’re Lying and Deceiving

Many people try to hide their addiction from friends and family for fear of being called out for it. If you don’t believe you have a problem, would you be quite happy to openly drink alcohol when a friend visits at 9 am or take drugs in front of your parents?  Lies and deceit are a universal sign of a drug problem and being open about your addiction is the first step to combating it. Read More

How to Care for Your Gums Properly

When you visit a modern dentist you will be thoroughly educated on how crucial it is to maintain your teeth. Brush twice a day, floss, and avoid particular foods. However, these practices are not only for the benefit of your teeth but your gums as well.

If your teeth are in poor condition, then your gums will be as well – for oral health encompasses your whole mouth, not just one component. However, even if your teeth are in excellent condition, that doesn’t mean you won’t get gum disease.

Gum disease is painless and many people can have it and won’t even know. It occurs when plaque begins to build up along your gum line, causing infection in both the gum and bone. Without treatment, this plaque can cause gingivitis which evolves into gum disease.

What Are the Signs of Gum Disease?

Because gum disease is painless, it’s up to you to recognise the signs and see your dentist sooner rather than later. If your gums feel tender or inflamed, they bleed, are swollen or look red, or you have bad breath, you may have gum disease.

However, if you care for your gums properly, the disease is entirely avoidable. Here’s how to reduce the risk.

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