Causes of Alcoholism

5 Common Causes of Alcoholism

Some people struggle to come to terms with having an alcohol addiction, even if it has gotten to the point of them needing to go into a drug rehab facility. There is often a fine line between having a refreshing beverage and having it turn into something they can’t live without.

If alcoholism has a loved one firmly in its grips and you can’t seem to understand how it comes about, then any of these five reasons below could be the answer.

A Stressor

Stress can wreak havoc in life. Sometimes it involves your home life or family, while other times it can relate to your work or a financial situation too. When you are stressed, you look for something to de-stress you. Often, that can be alcohol.

The problem is, stress can take a long time to disappear, which means there are several opportune moments to reach for a bottle. Instead of using alcohol to de-stress you, try other methods such as meditation, reading a book, drinking herbal tea, or even taking a nap.

Starting Young

Studies show that if you start drinking from a young age, you are more likely to have a physical dependence or alcohol addiction. The more you drink, the more tolerant you are to alcohol, meaning you have to consume more to get “happy” or drunk. A drug rehab facility may be worth considering if you or your loved one’s alcohol problem has gotten to this point.

Family History

Unfortunately, your genetics play a part in whether you are more at risk of alcoholism or not. If your family member has been in a drug rehab facility for the same problem, or currently has an addiction, then your chance increases too. Fortunately, awareness is a part of the solution. You can be aware of what it’s doing to your family and choose not to let yourself go down the same path.

Mental Health Issues

When you are feeling depressed, anxious, or you have a mental health disorder, then you may believe alcohol can solve it. And, for a time, it might feel like it does. However, the alcohol is merely a vice – and one that can lead to alcoholism which can exacerbate your mental health issues.

How to Know You’re an Alcoholic

It can be hard for someone to admit they have a problem, with denial being a typical reaction. However, you need to ask yourself the following questions.

  1. Do I drink even though it makes me depressed?
  2. Do I drink more than I intend to?
  3. Am I doing fewer fun things with friends, but drinking more?
  4. Am I craving alcohol?
  5. Have I experienced guilt as a result of my drinking?
  6. Have I been in trouble with the law due to alcohol?
  7. Do I drink in the morning?
  8. Does my drinking concern others?
  9. Do I think I should cut down?
  10. Do I suffer from alcohol withdrawals?